Thursday, January 8, 2009

Get your finances in order with a FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my emergency savings fund. This year I plan to add 3-6 months of actual living expenses to our emergency savings account. Should something unexpected happen, I want to know that Tim and I are covered. Most of you probably already know that I actually enjoy making (and keeping under) our household budget and finding more ways to save. No, really- I do! It's a game to me & I love it! Sticking to our spending plan brings me peace of mind and really keeps us from making financial mistakes.

If you visit today (Thursday, January 8, 2009) you can download Suze Orman's latest book, Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan, FOR FREE! The free download expires Thursday, January 15th @ 11:59pm Central Time. The book covers topics such as credit, investing, savings, spending, real estate, and more. I haven't read the book yet (I just downloaded it), but am eager to get some more information to make 2009 even better for our finances.
What a great way to kick off a prosperous 2009!