Sunday, April 20, 2008

Early Morning Seminary

So, many of you know that I teach early morning seminary. I have the junior and senior class in the Sacramento North Stake. The year is almost over and as I have mixed emotions as I reflect back. If I teach another year there are a few things I'd do again. On the other hand, there are about a thousand things I would never do again. Sometimes teaching is like this picture. You try to explain things so that 2+2 does simply equal 4, but their reaction is like you're teaching quantum physics.

I've truly enjoyed the experience as a whole. It has made me a better studier of the scriptures. I am a little better at that early to bed, early to rise deal. These seem like selfish reasons though. I've often reflected on who this seminary stint has helped the most, and sadly it's probably me. The kids worry about school, social activities and many other distractions in life. I sympathize with it since I went through the same.

Need some ideas though. Help a poor seminary teacher out and share some object lessons for teenage kids. Any ideas will help. The year is almost over, but I need to get off to a good start for next year!


David and Jaycee said...

Because I'm always wanting to help the youth feel and understand principles of the gospel, here are some ideas that some of my favorite seminary teachers did.
These are no in any type of order...
#1. I remember an older student who had graduated from school and had made a lot of wrong choices but then made a change and used the Atonement and came back. She, fortunately, was also a great singer and after she told us her story about repentance etc. she sang Gentle. So Idea would be bring in outside resources and music.
#2. Mock MTC for a week...I loved being called to Sydney Australia. My comp. and I were assigned to visit someone else in the class, besides other activities done during the week in class.
#3. Making a big deal out of the Restoration. Special dates include Sept. 21st and April 6th.
My Mission PRes. taught us that Sept. 21st is a jewish celebration of "lights". Isn't is interesting that Moroni handed the plates to Joseph on this day. cool huh!
#4. One year our teacher video taped us while asking us like five questions about the gospel and our feelings of it. Then at the end of the month or year (can't remember?) He presented the finished product after he had edited it. It was so cool to see us all sharing our feelings with each other in a non threatening way.
So that's all I can think of right now. Good luck and the youth have told me that they really enjoy your class and they think you're a great teacher.! Yeah!

Bethanne said...

I wish I could help, but lets be honest...I am eternally in Primary-mode. I'll ask Dan though, working with H.S.ers every day! :) Good luck! I wish you had taught MY seminary class.

Perry Family said...

I wish I had more teaching suggestions, but I don't:) I remember teaching with lots of visual aids and objest lessons as a missionary, but sadly I don't remember it all!! Ask the missionaries for some help, they are always trying to find new ways to relate the gospel to people who know nothing about it.
And you are a great example to me, it would be extremely hard for me to be an early morning seminary teacher...kudos to you for finishing a whole year!! I love the picture of the kid snoozing while the teacher keeps at it, so funny! I bet the kids love you though, you are one funny guy with lots of knowledge to share!!