Sunday, June 1, 2008

Seminary is Over!!!

So, it's all finished! At least for the summer. I decided I want to do it again next year. It's been such a great experience for me learning the Old Testament better. The New Testament is coming up and it's time to get a head start over the summer. So if you have any suggestions for me or cool object lessons let me know.

I can't believe it, but I'm excited about being able to stay up past 10:30 without any ill effects the next day!


BBC said...

how exciting! what are you going to do with your newfound freedom? Maybe you and jen can do a marathon all-night session of your favorite t.v. show! ;)

Perry Family said...

You are such a trooper to actually want to do it again! At least the Old Testament is done with, and the New Testament is a little easier to understand and teach. So Cool...way to finish! And I agree staying up late is only nice if you get to sleep in!

Bethanne said...

Those kids are really the blessed ones to have you as a teacher - one who really enjoys the subject matter AND doesn't mind getting up super early in the morning!

Enjoy your "summer break" though. :)