Monday, February 14, 2011

October 2010

October was such a fun and busy month!

We celebrated Ryan's 1st birthday! I can't believe my baby turned 1. This has been, by far, the very best year of our lives! We love him so much and can't imagine life without him. We had a fun party to celebrate.

The birthday boy & his mama

Don't mess with Brianna and her candy!

Cristian & Grandma playing games

Ryan loved the games

Opening presents!

Ryan LOVED the slide he got from Grandpa Stan & Grandma Judy!

The cake!

Ryan's very own cake- just for him!

Let me at it!

All partied out

Exhausted after a very FUN day!

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us!

Jenn was fortunate enough to be able to take off a week and a half before Ryan's birthday to spend lots of time together with her little boy. In addition to getting to sleep in, we went to the park, played with the dogs, and got to play and read a lot!It was the best!

Fun in the sandbox

Let's swing!

Sandbox yoga, anyone?

Tired after a fun day at the park with Mama!

We celebrated Jenn's birthday with a family dinner. Once again, forgot to take pictures. Boo.

We had lots of fun at the Stake Harvest Festival. Ryan hated wearing the hood to his lion costume, but I couldn't resist trying to get him to wear it- he was just too cute!

"PLEASE don't make me wear this Mama!"

Our little family

Ryan and his BFF Tama. They were both lions! Aren't these boys just the cutest ever?

Daddy & his little lion

1 comment:

BBC said...

definitely the two cutest lions ever!